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Google: Google is one of the best and most popular search engine among all of the search engine. It is in our daily life. So there are many cool and secret tricks behind the google that you never expect. This google tricks can tremble you. They are Google gravity, google sphere . Comparing google with other search engine google has many interesting tricks they are: Trick 1- Barrel roll This is great, awesome and cool tricks. Simply you have to type in google search engine "Do a barrel Roll" then see magic trick your homepage of google rotate to 360 Trick 2 - Google Gravity Don't get trembled or stressed if your google crashed. Simply you have to type Goigle gravity in search engine click in the Google gravity - elgooG and then move your mouse or touch all the elements of homepage start falling down. Trick 3 - Zerg Rush Try this trick simply type in Google search bar "Zerg Rush" then click on Zerg Rush by Google - elgooG It is an attack ...
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